Canine & Feline Powder

All our products are 100% natural with no added chemicals

Rosehip Canine Powder is a specially formulated all-natural organic product with all the vitamins and minerals your dog or cat will need to sustain a healthier life.

It can be fed to all dog and cat breeds including lactating females and young puppies and . It consists of pure rosehip powder and has no added chemicals. It has nearly 700% more vitamin C than oranges and is popular for its anti-oxidants which stops cell damage by oxidants and also repairs broken and damaged cells.

It helps boost the immune system keeping your dog free from toxins and infections. It is high in magnesium, iron and calcium which helps maintain healthy bones and joints and assists with flexibility.

Its anti-inflammatory properties relieves pain, swelling and tenderness caused by arthritis, Hip-Dysplasia or any other joint problems. Iodine will help with the support of your dog’s digestive and Metabolic functions. Selenium helps fight against oxidative stress like aging, pollution and cancer.

Zinc will help boost your dog’s body function in several areas and maintain healthy skin and coat condition. Iron will assist by helping to provide oxygen to both organs and muscles.

To help you dog recover better after surgery you can add Rosehip Canine Powder to his meal. Rosehip Canine Powder has so many healing properties that will help sustain your dog with a tail wagging happy and healthier life, because after all everything is better the natural way.

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